The Holidays are over. Emails, messages, and reality haven’t skipped a beat. Perhaps, you were lucky to have a few days off during the last part of 2015 and the first couple of days of 2016. Even more fortunate if you used that time to work on you versus getting over an over-indulgence that may have transpired during that time off. Regardless, time doesn’t stop and neither do deadlines. The first Monday of 2016 may have felt outrageously awesome or just another reminder that you need to get your stuff together. In reality, we all may experience these emotions throughout the year, but what if we master our mindset? Here, we look at three strategies to consider in mastering your mindset in 2016 and each year after that.

Evaluate where you are at this very moment. Do you feel good about yourself? If so, that is excellent. If not, what about yourself doesn’t make you feel good? What is it about you now that is so different from the person that you want to become?
1. Who do you want to be? Yes. This question is so basic is it nuts that is the first thing you must answer and be clear upon when establishing your mindset for 2016. Think about this for a minute. Think about yourself. Evaluate where you are at this very moment. Do you feel good about yourself? If so, that is excellent. If not, what about yourself doesn’t make you feel good? What is it about you now that is so different from the person that you want to become? The ability to decipher where you are today and the person you wish to become is the first step of identifying what you will need to do to become the perfect version of you.
2. What behaviors do you need to become the best version of you? Power comes from behavior and actions, not knowing what to do and choosing not to do it. There is power the lack of action, but for purposes of achieving the mindset that supports the perfect version of you, there must be behaviors and actions that support that vision. Here, it is helpful to identify the “must” behaviors that support your ideal mindset and lifestyle. Take an inventory of “must” behaviors you need to help you move from your current state to your desired state.

You have everything inside of you to make the changes you want for your mindset – today and each day.
3. What actions will you do today and each day to start and maintain your 2016 mindset? The time to align vision, behavior and action are now. The ability to connect the dots of where you are and where you want to be is one thing, but the dots will not get you there, your behavior and actions will. Identify the key behaviors and actions that you must incorporate each day. Think about how the behaviors and actions will have a direct impact on your mindset. Next, identify challenges that could interfere with the behaviors and actions. The identification of prospective solutions to overcoming barriers and self-sabotaging behaviors and actions is essential to staying the course and achieving a sustainable mindset.
Wherever you are in your life, your mindset matters. There will be ups, downs, side-turns, u-turns, and everything in between that can derail your mindset from time to time. The key is not to fall victim of a negative mindset or lose hope in changing your mindset. You have everything inside of you to make the changes you want for your mindset – today and each day. The key is recognizing and using your personal power to make the changes you want and not buck up with excuses. Be the person you desire to become, a little each day and set yourself up with the right behaviors and actions to support this sustained mindset.
by Katie Doseck, PhD MBA
Chief Visionary and Strategic Ace Up Your Sleeve | Viral Solutions LLC
Copyright 2016 by Viral Solutions LLC

Katie Doseck, PhD MBA | Chief Visionary & Strategic Ace Up Your Sleeve. I catapulted my experience with extensive education, trainings, and personal coaching; earning a PhD in Organizational Management with a specialization in Human Resource Management, MBA in Organizational Leadership, and BA in Law & Liberal Arts. Subject Matter Expert (SME) areas: Human Resource Management, Employment Law, Organizational Change, Change Management, Resource Planning, Strategic Planning, Talent Management, Selling & Sales Management, Training & Development, Decision Making Models, Project Management, Customer Relationship Management, and Motivation. Dr. Doseck is based out of Logan, Utah.
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Viral Solutions LLC is a Digital Marketer Certified Partner, an Infusionsoft Certified Consultant, a Google Partner – Certified in AdWords and a Mobit Certified Partner.
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